Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
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Doctor Strange, with the help of mystical allies both old and new, traverses the mind-bending and dangerous alternate realities of the Multiverse to confront a mysterious new adversary.
The firing of Scott Dirreckson really affected the movie to a degree. The script is solid but the plot seems kinda off. The movie should have been 15-20 minutes longer. This movie starts and does not stop. It doesn’t have some breathing room. I loved the screenplay. Dialogues are very good, very very good. The cinematography is good but it could’ve benefitted with a darker colour palette. But all these negative is balanced with Raimi’s direction. The music that Danny Elfman composed is phenomenal. But the USP of this movie is Elizabeth Olsen. She rules this movie.
Doctor Strange 2 is the MCU’s latest balls-to-the-wall crossover event, and it’s noticeably not as well done as everything else was in Spider-Man: No Way Home. The effects and action are nice, but the story squanders a palpable script in favour of frustratingly fragmented (which multiverses can suffer from when stories don’t address all the inherent issues of multiple worlds directly interacting with each other) fan-service and even more sequel-fodder with its abrupt cliff-hanger ending (pre-post-cress mind you, but still).
Doctor Strange 2 covers its concept of multiverses instead of telling a re-inventive character-driven story like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse had. Doctor Strange 2’s got splashes of self-aware humour here and there, but it’s gonna have to take some magic to become a film comparable to the MCU’s stronger entries.
The most notable thing about the film is how many opportunities it squanders with its many supporting characters introduced and then never really getting utilised in the story (except for one). It teases endless narrative possibilities courtesy of the last Spider-Man movie doing so with its lead, but Doctor Strange 2 teases fan service only to deliver shortcomings instead of going all the way with its promise of ‘madness’ in the title. The good stuff IS there; it just doesn’t have enough story-breathing-room in the film.
Doctor Strange 2 is definitely a noble attempt at something ‘new’ for the MCU, and it’s sure as hell more confident than Eternals, but it suffers the same character-squandering issues as it.
With a universe as vast as Marvel’s, not every entry in the MCU was guaranteed to work. At least it tried.
Definitely not my favorite Marvel movie out of the bunch. Definitely not even close to being on of my favorite superhero movies period. The film had way to many slow pace stretches that caused some of the people in my group even fall asleep. Additionally, the movie felt like it had an overwhelming amount of sfx where they felt unnecessary. Finally, many of us simply didn’t like a beloved character becoming the “bad guy”.
It was great seeing it..Everything was great in the movie…storyline,effects,acting and everything else was on point… My only problem or whatever you may call it, is expecting to see many more marvel characters introduced or making an appearance in the movie. It’s called multiverse of madness so we wanted to see so many different characters make an appearance in the multiverse. We were expecting to see the main X-men squad, Deadpool, president Steve Rodgers, superior iron man, even the watcher and so many others to at least make a brief appearance. Most of the people at the cinema were not happy to see Maria rambeau at all, they all wanted to see Iron man rather as part of the Illuminati because of the earlier arguments when the first trailer dropped (whether it was Maria or iron man glowing in that suit).
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Sam Raimi
Actors: Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Elizabeth Olsen, Jett Klyne, Julian Hilliard, Michael Stuhlbarg, Rachel McAdams, Xochitl Gomez
Country: United States